Monday, November 30, 2009

How Great are we...really

"God is greater than we are" JOB 33:12
What causes us to believe we are great? Pride, unbelief, the feeling you know more than the other guy does? What if that guy can really help you? How often do we think we know more than God in our daily struggles. I recently have found out that my PTSD is far worse than I imagined and has caused some unwanted stress in me and my families life, and I actually believed that I was doing "Great" trying to fight it myself....not the case. The last time I checked, God is still God and I am not. He is also more powerful than the most awesome thing or event we could ever imagine. Do we really think we could do a better job without him? Try God today. Include him in every aspect of your life today and then survey the results tonight.

Friday, November 6, 2009


I terrible tragedy happened last night at Fort Hood, Texas, an Army installation. I have several friends training there for upcoming missions in Iraq and need prayers that they were not among the killed or wounded.Please pray for this community and all involved...such a tragedy I am overwhelmed with hurt that this took place.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


1 John 4:4
God's spirit who is in you, is greater than the devil, who is in the world

The Devil is constantly trying to push God out and claim a little territory for himself. I also know I let the devil win some ground at times. The problem is that if we let the devil get his foot in the door, he will try to kick the door down and take over the whole house. Thankfully, we have a weapon. that weapon is God's spirit, and if we use it, it will send Satan running every time. Try to ignore the doorbell and here the knock at the door of God's spirit.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


James 5:13
Anyone who is having troubles should pray

It is really important to pray in order to flourish in life. God knows what we are going through. He knows all angles on every situation. We are not praying to let God know what troubles we have; rather, we are praying to include God in the problem-solving. God wants to be the solution, not just a part of it. A great deal of the time, I find I have a problem because I left God out in the first place.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Hebrews 13:20
I pray that the God of peace will give you every good thing you need so you can do what HE wants.

Our God has promised to give us EXACTLY what we need to excel in this CRAZY life so we can do his will. Whatever talents, skills, money or time we have are direct gifts from God. He also has given us the choice to use all these gifts for our glory or for his. How can we use the good things today to do what God wants. Simple, have the willpower to go beyond your comfort zone and use what God has given you. He deserves nothing less!

Monday, November 2, 2009


Jeremiah 26:13
Now reform your ways and your actions and obey the LORD your God. Then the LORD will relent and not bring the disaster he has pronounced against you.

How do our actions effect you and those around us when being a "Man of Honor'?
This is one of the most straight forward and convicting versus in the bible. If we don't try to live a holy life with honor and obey the Lord we will surely be punished and disaster will occur.The disaster will be unbearable. Many times people say actions speak louder than words and I believe this to be true. How many times have you seen someone in need, someone hurting, begging inside for someone to take action. Being in the military I have lived by this motto: "Take appropriate action in the absence of orders", with following Christ, he is never absent, always gives us the tools to take action, so why do we stand by and watch the suffering without taking action. We don't need verbal orders to take action, we need CHRIST in our life and witness to the lost, suffering and hurting. Men its time to stand up and "Take appropriate action, because GOD COMMANDS IT"!