Thursday, December 10, 2009


PSALM 130:5
I wait for the Lord to help me, and trust his word

I remember this past summer fishing with Dylan, my 5 year old boy and was thinking about the time and how it relates to this passage. He was telling me over and over that he wasn't getting a single bite and I asked him how long we had been fishing. His reply with a dead serious look " five minutes dad and not even a bite". We've all been there and I bet most of us might be there now with God. We covet God's help, we need God's help, but we want to set the terms. We want to draw up the deal, and want that help NOW. God's word has the answer to any problem we need solved. The biggest problem any human can have is being lost without God, without Jesus. I can guarantee that God can solve the problem and He can absolutely do it NOW.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Seeing it all and all of us

PSALM 14:2
The LORD looked down from the heaven on all people...

It is pretty awesome that God can see us all and yet focus on each of us individually. How would we treat our family, friends, or even perfect strangers if we knew God was there looking over our shoulders. Scary as HE double hockey stick right! Well guess what , HE IS! Keep this in mind today when someone messes up your order at the drive-through, disappoints you, or doesn't quite live up to YOUR expectations. Live today trying to impress just might do it. This is the biggest challenge we as Christians have.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Know your Limit

PSALM 147:5
OUR LORD is great and very powerful. There is no limit to what he knows

Everything in our life is built around limits.Whether we like it or even acknowledge it, God has placed limits on each of. He did this so we can't become God. He is God, I am not! God does have the potential to STRETCH our limits far beyond what we can do alone. And the great thing is that HE wants to! When you feel you have reached your limit in whatever you are trying to accomplish, ask God to move the boundaries, stretch them out a bit. I have seen him do it many times. Only God knows your limits, ask him for clarity.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Gods Power vs our Wisdom

This was so that your faith would be in God's power and not in human wisdom.

I feel led to address my version of our street smarts vs Gods almighty power. We spend our entire lives trying to get smarter, college, research, job skills, in fact the more we know about everything the better person we are right? We rely mostly on our own smarts and as men we are never wrong.But the reality is we often need help. Trying to solve our problems by just being smart is foolish. The fact is, God generally will let us get deeper into trouble until will call on him for help. God requires that we completely trust in him. He allows us to get into dire situations in order to grow our faith. If all went well everyday, we wouldn't need to put our faith in much of anything. Problems grow faith and the smarter we are in learning what Jesus can teach us, the smarter we become when it really matters.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

We don't have to be alone

PSALM 25:17
The troubles of my heart have multiplied; free me from my anguish

The Bible shocks us by revealing that reality is totally different to our superficial impressions. It declares that trials , such as battles with loneliness though by their very nature highly unpleasant, are reasons for rejoicing, not sorrow. I used to think the Bible was saying, Rejoice, even though trials are tragedies.Finally, I began taking more notice of the context and discovered that it is actually saying something very different. It is not saying, “Rejoice, despite the trials,” but “Rejoice, because of the trials.” It is saying, “Trials are a spiritual windfall. Throw a party when hard times come because they are like being given an awesome opportunity, only exceedingly better. They increase your spiritual status, your contribution to the Kingdom, and your spiritual life . By developing your character, tough times increase both your eternal reward and your ability to achieve things of lasting significance.” Who are you when times are tough, should we quit and cut and run. That's not what "Men of Honor" do. Put on the armor, fight like you have never fought before. Thanks Men for last night, a very rewarding experience with all of you.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Run the Race Like a Champion

So let us run the race before us and never give up

My whole childhood I grew up watching Michael Jordan, he was the fearcest competitor I ever saw. A true champion, I never heard him say he was beaten after a game, even if he lost. Always believing and never stopping was the keys to his success in everything he did...yes even baseball. Life is certain to throw many roadblocks in front of us. Troubles will come, but God is always able to overcome. We just need to hang in there and do our best with whatever God has equipped us. God will always reward our efforts. Will we always succeed, always win. depends on your version of the two. In the short haul, victory is a moving target, but in the long haul, for eternity, Jesus has provided for those who believe in Him the certain of absolute victory. Let us never give up.